1721 NW 35 TER


Data available:

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Property Details

This property is classified as Residential (Single Family).

The lot is 6250 square feet, the land value of which is assessed at .

There are 2 buildings on the property.

It was built in 1970.

This property is valued at .

The legal description of this lot is: "WESTWOOD PARK SEC 5 61-20 B".

Registered Voters

Wiggins, Margaret L
(BRO 101283345)
1721 NW 35Th TER
Lauderhill, FL 333114219
female76Florida Democratic PartyActive
Wiggins, Hubert
(BRO 101283346)
1721 NW 35Th TER
Lauderhill, FL 333114219
male80Florida Democratic PartyActive
Goines, Sherry Latrice
(BRO 101460217)
1721 NW 35Th TER
Lauderhill, FL 33311
female55Florida Democratic PartyActive
Goins, Belinda A
(BRO 101493163)
1721 NW 35Th TER
Lauderhill, FL 333114219
female59Florida Democratic PartyActive
Wiggins, Kerrick Arnaz
(BRO 101606329)
1721 NW 35Th TER
Lauderhill, FL 333114219
male50Florida Democratic PartyActive
Bradley, Dominique De Ann
(BRO 102300224)
1721 NW 35th TER
Lauderhill, FL 333114219
female39Florida Democratic PartyActive
Bradley, Robert Jarrod
(BRO 102406884)
1721 NW 35Th TER
Lauderhill, FL 33311
male38Florida Democratic PartyActive
Bradley, Danielle
(BRO 110799357)
1721 NW 35TH Ter
Lauderhill, FL 333114219
female39Florida Democratic PartyActive
Murray, Shenae Quatrice
(BRO 115153496)
1721 NW 35Th Ter
Lauderhill, FL 333114219
female34Florida Democratic PartyActive
Wiggins, Lajantzen C
(BRO 118764164)
1721 NW 35Th Ter
Lauderhill, FL 33311
female31Florida Democratic PartyActive
Anderon-Bradley, Chelon
(BRO 121589875)
1721 NW 35Th Ter
Lauderhill, FL 333114219
female27Florida Democratic PartyActive
Wiggins, Victoria
(BRO 128055415)
1721 NW 35th Ter
Lauderhill, FL 33311
female54Florida Democratic PartyActive
Goins, Charles Bennit
(BRO 128096118)
1721 NW 35Th Ter
Lauderhill, FL 33311
male61Florida Democratic PartyActive

These listings are address-matched and not guaranteed to be correctly linked to a property.
Source: Florida Division of Elections

Learn more about Lauderhill through our Voter Demographics page.


Ownership Information

1721 NW 35 TER

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